For a couple of years now I have been on a mission to find the most unusual jewelry pieces. I have an eye for jewelry...and lately material. I have collected some of the funkiest pieces of jewelry that all fit my personality. Depending on what type of mood I am in, I can select pieces from my serious collection. My most recent collection started about 2 years ago. I started collecting mismatch, antique Tea Cups and Saucers from flea markets, yardsales,and antique markets. I use the Tea Cups to sort my jewelry. My collection of jewelry lives in my collection of Tea Cups. These Tea Cups don't match each other but that's the beauty of the collection. Sometimes I say my fashion advice is not following fashion advice. I believe this goes along with mismatching. With fashion in general, you don't have to match. Breaking through the "guidelines of fashion" is the best part of fashion. I like the way my tea cups are mismatch as I like the way I can wear yellow pumps with a silver dress. It's all about how you wear it. Mismatching is out of the ordinary...why blend in? Currently my tea cups reside on the top of my dresser; each one filled with something different. Cocktail rings, basic rings, necklaces, charms, bracelets, and earrings. Another Trick I have used in order to display bangles is using wine bottles. Wine bottles are fun. Besides the actually contents, the bottles can be really useful. I have a couple with very long "necks" which work perfect in displaying my bangles. (My bangles don't fit in my tea cups...) Looking for unique treasures is my pleasure.Thank you for tuning into a "Cup of T."