The slack is
I haven’t
been on the Cup of T game lately but its not that I haven’t been writing. I
write a lot…I just don’t share or get around to it being busy with other things
it hasn't really been a priority...
I have this
constant roller coaster of how I feel about blogging & separating myself from my work. I think it's really important to find a balance
with your life, you personally & your job…even if you do love what you do-
and I certainly do...A LOT! It can become an addiction and it took me a while to
understand how to shift my energy at the end of the day or in different
circumstances. It’s a challenge but I’m getting better at it.
constantly post & ask myself who really cares? Does anyone really give a
shit that I am drinking a green juice or a coconut or went hiking or am at the beach or waking up with the sun? I say it to myself all the time…but I do understand
its all part of the game!

For anyone
who does care- my days change from day to day. They always start early (I can’t
ever sleep in-so annoying) I sit in my hammock and drink black coffee
(+cinimmon) Recently I discovered a new raw coconut creamer I sometimes
use….(this is something I would see posted & in my head say who gives a F)
I always read my horoscope…Cancers are the best, just sayin'. I sometimes write…lately its just writing my list
of todos…but getting it on paper is my thing. I then head out for a twerkout…usually a hike, a run or the santa monica stairs…werkin’ da glutes. I
prefer yoga at night or hip hop. I eat spoonfuls of pb or almond butter on the daily and a
lot of coconut. I then day slay away filling Trust orders, emails, stocking
shops…etc. If I can make the sunset-it makes my day. I can walk to the beach
& catch it…although now its setting behind the mts...anyway its my favorite thing to do.

I used to
blog 1x a week, then it was 1x a month…then I started to feel like it was
a chore…and I didn’t need another todo on my list. Also, no one really cares
about my coconut creamer, I know it & accept it. Another reason is because
I lost one of my biggest “blogger” fans…I think I have a total of 3. My aunt passed a year & a half ago (it still seems surreal.) She was like a mother
to me…she introduced me to chocolate covered cashews- now my favorite candy. Anyway, since shes been gone, the blog posts haven’t
been easy to formulate knowing I won’t get a response from her. I miss her a
lot. She was a huge part of my life & now its just a closed chapter. She
always had fresh flowers in her house so now I do the same. When I blog, I make
sure they’re next to me. Right now, I am looking at a mason jar of sunflowers.
It somewhat feels like home. Not to get deep or anything…oops just did ittttt.
Did the dahm thing...yano?
Lots has
been going on with Trust- exciting stuff! If you’re in on the IG game you can
follow along @trustjewelry. Whats coming up…
Photo Shoot
New Collection
Vintage SWAG
Summer Living
Sunday, Happy May!